Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing well. In this blog we are going to create ganpati bappa beat sync status video. We are creating this type of status because nowadays this status is very popular on Instagram. You can also create this type of status for you by just following the below given step. So friends without wasting any time let’s get started
कैसे हो दोस्तों? उम्मीद करता हूं सब ठीक ही होंगे। दोस्तों आज के ब्लॉग में मैं आपको बताने वाला हूं कि आप किस तरह से जो अभी इंस्टाग्राम पर एक वीडियो ट्रेन में चल रहा है। यह मैं आपको आज के ब्लॉग में बताऊंगा। दोस्तों इस तरह का वीडियो आप काफी आसानी से बना सकते हैं। आपको इस तरह का वीडियो बनाने के लिए सिर्फ नीचे दी गई स्टेप है उन्हें फ़ॉलो करना है। तो चलिए दोस्तों बिना कोई टाइम जाया करें हम अपने ब्लॉग में आगे बढ़ते हैं।.
In the aesthetic beat Singh video you will get lots of animation and shakes. So considering this requirement alight motion is the best application to edit aesthetic beats sync video. So firstly you need to download this alight motion application on your phone. I have provided the download link of the latest version of alight motion below. You can download this application from that link.
you can simply import the below beat mark project. In this aesthetic beats mark project I have already provided this song with marked beats. The import link of the aesthetic beat mark project is given below.
Open the project and add a motion circular overlay video from the beginning of the song. To add the motion circular overlay video for making the aesthetic beats sync video you can use image and video option. After adding this overlay, adjust it as per the requirement of the MP3 song. Downloadable link of this motion circular overlay video is available below.
Again choose image and video option and add an PNG over this overlay video. Place this to the centre and resize it according to your needs. Extend the layer of PNG to the position of the first Red Line. You can download this
PNG from the downloadable link given below.
Come to the position of first red line and add those images on which you are going to create this aesthetic beat sync video. After adding the image, resize it and fit it to full screen and trim extra part from the position of the next Red Line. If you need the images that I have used in my video. Then you will get all the images on my Telegram channel. So please join our Telegram channel by clicking the button given below.
Apply the shake effect to the images that you have added in the above step. You can create your own shake effects or you can simply import the below shake effect project. In this project I have provided you with all the necessary shake effects which you need to create an aesthetic beat sync video. You just need to copy the effect from the below project and paste it to our main project. You need the latest version of alight motion to import this shake effect project.
By using the above shake effect project applied the necessary shakes to the necessary added images. You need to listen to the base present in our aesthetic song and then apply the shake effect according to your need. If you are getting confused about applying shake effects. Then you can watch our video which we have created on YouTube. You will get the video link at the end of this blog.
After following all the steps mentioned above your video is ready to export. To export the video just click the share button and save your video. If you face any problems regarding this video, then you can refer to my youtube video. Link is given below.
यदि आपको कोई समस्या आती है, तो आप मुझे कमेंट करके बता सकते हैं। आपकी समस्या को जल्द से जल्द हल करने का हर संभव प्रयास किया जाएगा। आपका अमूल्य समय देकर पूरे ब्लॉग को पढ़ने के लिए के लिए बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद !